I'm back...and back to normal!
So, going to Maui for 4 nights, and then getting back at 1am on a Monday when you have to resume normal activities that day is kind of crazy. It's not like we intended it that way. Our plane ran late, so we got home hours later than we thought. Next time, I need a "spacer day". It took me a day and a half to get back on track. Here are a few pix from our trip.....one of a sunset from our dinner table on Thanksgiving, one of the 2 foot long puffer fish we saw, and one of our beach there in Wailea.
Waiting to greet me once I returned on Monday were 3 midterms....well, not exactly waiting, but they are next Monday the 5th, Thursday the 8th, and Monday the 12th. So, basically, my life for the next 2 weeks is going to consist of Torts, CivPro and Contracts. Thank GOODNESS Contracts is last, because that class has the most material (and we have had the least "practice"---no quizzes or papers).
But, on Monday, we did get our Torts quizzes back. They were supposed to be worth 1 point of our class grade. However, the class did so poorly that the professor decided not to count it. She said the grades started at 0, and most were in the 20-30 range. Ugh. She said only 6 in the class were 65 or over (passing). So, my awesome study group had 3 of the 6! And, I had a 70! :) Not as high as I'd like, of course, but considering all things, I am very happy with it.