The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

ONLY a paper, a midterm and a quiz.....

That's right, that is all I have to worry about this weekend. Well, not worry so much as do and/or prepare for. The paper is the final one this semester for my Legal Analysis class. It is to be a max of 6.5 pages. I have just over 2 so far, so at least I've started that. It is due next Friday, the 18th, but I want to turn it in on the 17th at the latest. I don't think it will be that hard, it just takes time and effort. So, what...maybe 8 hours or so on that???

Then on Thursday I have my Legal Analysis midterm. The first part is worth 20% and is 7 citation questions. We can use our books (with handwritten notes inside) for that, so I'm not worried about that at all. The second part is worth 30% and is a short analysis problem, with the final part being a longer analysis problem worth 50%. I'm not too worried about these, but I just hope they are easy to understand, and not too lengthy to read, as I want to spend my time working, not reading. Also, I hope my brain can digest things fast enough to do a complete analysis. My professor did tell us that it is not really the kind of test you can study either know how to do it or you don't. I DO know how, but I'm going to work on some of the past tests this weekend, but for practice.

The quiz, which is easily the "smallest" of the 3 in terms of what it respresents towards my final grade is probably what makes me the most nervous. It is a quiz in my Torts class on negligence. It is only worth 1 point of my final grade in the class, but because this professor is also the dean of the school, I suppose I feel like I need to do extra good, so that she doesn't see me as a loser, but somehow, will know my potential. Dumb, I know, but that's how I feel. So, this Friday my study group will be working on stuff to prepare for that, and this weekend I will be studying, memorizing, practicing on old exams too.

Of course, 2 weeks from today I will be over in Maui, hopefully sitting on the beach somewhere, drinking a tropical drink as I try to study for my other 3 midterms. (It is my 10th anniversary on the 19th, so we're taking a short get away trip to celebrate.) Do you think I'll get much studying done over there????? Believe me, I WILL! : )


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