The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Making a difference in the world

That was today's sermon topic at church today. I suppose it made me reflect on my law school decision.

When I think about my life, I realize that helping others has been a major focus of mine. I can't say it was by design, but it was definitely what I wanted. When the kids were little, it was helping in their AWANA groups and then in their classrooms and school. It also involved helping women prisoners through monthly visits to the prison. It continued with helping at church...helping by creating the church web site and maintaining it, then starting the shut in visitation ministry and leading that. I have felt that after taking care of my family, it was important to give back and be helping others in some way.

While considering law school, my purpose in doing so was in pursuing another way to help others. I'm leaning towards a future in the district attorney's office, mostly because I want to know that I AM helping to make a difference and that I AM helping people somehow. I can't picture doing any job because of the money or power/prestige associated with it. I just don't feel motivated by that.

Despite being told at various times by those in my life that I am selfish, mean, unkind to the point that I have doubted myself, I know now that I am not. I don't think a person who has dedicated literally decades of her life to helping others can be that. I know I'm not perfect, and I will never say I am. However, I won't let those criticisms define me erroneously. My actions defeat their words. I am on my way to a making a difference in the a new and hopefully bigger way. : )


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