The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Have I turned the corner?

So far for the first 2 months of law school, each week has been an emotional roller coaster. All my insecurities about who I am and what I can accomplish have come into play. One day I am sure I want to do this and help those in need, legally speaking, and the next, I doubt I can ever get that far and wonder what I am doing here. I compare myself to those sitting around me who are nearly about half my age and wonder how I can compete with youth. I compare myself to those already working in the legal field and feel inadequate and behind. For someone whose confidence always came from her intelligence (and not from looks, popularity, etc.), this has been very disconcerting.

This week, however, has been different. I got through the entire week without a doubt. And more than that, I actually feel hope. YES, I can do this. YES, I am going to make it. And YES, beyond that, I am going to do well at it. I don't say any of that to be arrogant, as I know many struggles lie ahead in the next 3 years, but perhaps something just clicked inside. Maybe it was getting feedback this week. Maybe it was feeling like I finally understood a CivPro class. Maybe it was talking to a professor about doing a clinical and being encouraged and told she would love to have me doing it. Maybe it was not getting a 30 on my CivPro quiz. Maybe it was talking to the assistant dean today and feeling like I do belong here. Maybe I don't even care WHAT it was, just that IT WAS. :)


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