The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

No Wonder I'm Stressed

Sometimes this seems overwhelming- especially when I look back over everything that has happened in the last year:

  • Last year just about this time, my daughter was diagnosed with cancer. Three hours after hearing that diagnosis, I had to compete in the Moot Court competition. (I did go on to compete in the finals, and my daughter is doing great and cancer-free now.)
  • I worked 20 hours a week this last year of law school, in the US Attorney's office, responsible for a case load of over 100 cases in the misdemeanor unit. (I had 5 trials in that time, including one in federal district court, and got guilty verdicts in all 5.)
  • I have had my house for sale for the last year, in this horrible market, and for most of that time was solely responsible for getting the house presentable for all showings.
  • My eyes were opened to the realization that my marriage was an abusive one, and when physical violence of a deadly nature was threatened in a dramatic way, I had to move out and file for divorce in my last semester of law school. (I still graduated with distinction, ranked #8 in my class.)
Those are the "highlights". I suppose I have good reason to feel stressed! But I can also look back and see how I have survived and excelled in spite of all the stress. So I suppose that should make me feel a little hopeful if I feel stressed now.
