The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Traffic Laws

On July 1, new laws affecting cell phone use will take effect. It will then be illegal to use a handheld cell phone to talk while driving a motor vehicle, and if you are under 18 it will be illegal to use any cell phone. Now, I certainly agree that cell phone use while driving can lead to accidents, but I don't necessarily think it is the holding of a phone that distracts a driver's attention. I think, rather, it is the involvement in a conversation with someone, not present.

So, what is going to happen after this law goes into effect? Honestly, I think the end result may be a slighter lower rate of accidents for people using cell phones, but people are still going to be distracted by conversations, so I don't see how this law will stop that. And, in the immediately future, I predict an increase in accidents, because most people do not currently use a hands-free device, so as soon as the law kicks in, I'm assuming most of them will. Of course, since they aren't used to it, it will take some getting used to.

The cell phone will ring, the driver will scramble to figure out where the earpiece is, how to get it in his ear correctly, and how to answer the phone. Talk about a distraction! How many accidents is all of this going to cause?!?

Apparently, the new laws do not cover text messaging, which has to be even more dangerous and distracting than talking, since you have to look at your phone (and away from the road) to read and write those messages. And the new laws do allow you to dial phone numbers while driving. Seems like too many distractions are still going to be available.

Of course, police officers can pull you over if they see you doing anything they believe to be unsafe. But are these laws really going to do anything to increase traffic safety? I know that was their intent, but I seriously doubt it.
