The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bid Adieu with a 92

My final grade was posted yesterday. I really did go out on a high note- I ended up getting the highest grade in my class for that exam (92!) AND the school called to ask me if I'd permit them to post my test online (eventually) for other students to view as a sample answer. This is the first time a test of mine will be posted like that, so I thought that was cool.

My final cumulative GPA is 79.05. Before law school, I cringed at any grade under 90, but grades in the 90s are very rare in law school, and even 80s are scarce. So, I'm happy with my 79, which I mentioned earns me the "with distinction" label. I guess I won't know my ending class rank until/unless the school gives us a final transcript with that information.

In not quite so exciting news, bar prep really sucks. It seems like the more MBEs I do, the more I miss, and the more stupid I feel. I know in my head that it is mostly a matter of just doing TONS of them, but it is really depressing to continually miss so many. Makes the law school thing seem like a joke (how could I have passed if I obviously know so little?).

I suppose I should stop complaining about it and just start working.

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