The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

11 Hours Until the End of Law School

My last final finishes at 9:30 tonight. That's it. Grades will be posted beginning on Thursday and graduation is 3.5 weeks away on the 31st. It is nearly done.

It feels weird, like it really isn't supposed to be over just yet. Surely they forgot to teach me something! It's not that I want to keep going to classes and taking exams, but you can't help but get comfortable with a routine, any routine. Now another part of my life is changing. (Add that to the divorce, move, internship ending.)

It's unsettling to have so many unknowns going on at the same time. First of course, is will I pass the bar exam? How many tries will it take me? Then, will I find a job? Will it be one I like? Will I do well? And then all the personal stuff too.

I haven't been exactly pleased with how I've done on my finals so far. I have not been able to accurately predict my scores in the past, but I usually can tell generally how well I have done. It is my guess that I did best on Evidence, then Remedies, and that I really sucked on Wills & Trusts. Ugh. I don't even want to thinking about it.

Tonight's exam is a Performance Test and I expect I'll do a decent job, but with little motivation I'm not sure I'll do more than that. It ultimately doesn't matter. I will pass that class. I will graduate. The only thing up in the air at this point, with school any way, is if I'll graduate with honors or not. Not that being in the 3rd tier of honors probably counts for anything. But it would be one more scrap of something I could throw on my future resumes.

Has it really been three years already? Or has it been 10? Sometimes it is hard to tell. So one adventure ends and another begins....
