The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Can I Just Take a Nap Already???

I spent the entire weekend doing school stuff (with a small break for the delightful chore of cleaning the entire house for another would-be buyer). The most frustrating part was trying to research my next Advanced Research and Writing paper. We weren't told exactly what kind of motion we are supposed to write, so first we have to research and find out THAT, and then do the research to actually write the thing.

My Lexis research lead me in one direction and I spent hours looking into this. I wasn't positive it was the motion my professor was wanting us to do however. Luckily, I emailed her last night before committing even more time. Of course, I was more than a little pissed off this morning when I heard back from her that I was looking in the wrong area. UGH! Hours, wasted. Hours that I don't have to waste.

Instead of reading Community Property at lunchtime, I got back on Lexis and kept looking- in a different area. By the end of the hour, I thought I had found it, which I was happy to confirm via email from my professor, that it was. Of course, that meant tonight after working a full day I had to come home and do a bunch of more research in this area. (Don't even think of asking me what the real motion is we are to do! If I had to spend a whole day wasting my time researching the wrong thing, I am NOT about to tell anyone!)

The good news (the tidbit that there is) is that I found out in Remedies we will only be going up to page 440 for the December midterm, and that is exactly where I stopped reading last night. I have a somewhat decent outline for about the first half of that (which is how much we've covered in class so far), and now I don't have to worry about reading in there any more this semester. If I add to my outline each week in the time I'd normally just do my reading, I'll be in good shape in there.

I haven't even mentioned work yet in this post. I only work 20 hours a week, but my commute adds another 4 hours to that, and I do always get there 10-15 minutes early. But, today I took the time to go through every single case in my file cabinet and make a status sheet because there is nothing that tracks that and just thinking about it made me nervous. I am responsible for 85 cases! Nice caseload, huh? I'm handling the monthly stuff ok, but am frustrated that there are so many investigation-status cases that I don't have time to really pursue like I would like. A second certified law student will help me when he starts, but that probably won't be for another 2 months. And of course, by the time he really has a clue and understands what is going on there, heck, I'll only have a couple months left!

It's just so frustrating! I have so many demands on my time, and never feel like I'm getting anywhere. Each week there are more assignments and new cases. I spend so much time just "doing" that there is no real time just for "being" or "connecting". So I end up feeling tired and lonely. And no real end in sight, unless you count August 1, 2008, the day after the bar exam finishes. That's too far away for me to count at this point.

Ok, that's enough. I need to go to bed before I get any more crabby!

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