The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Not Picked, But Not Dismissed

I spent the entire day down at the courthouse today for jury duty. I actually made it further than I have any time in the past- I got up to the courtroom as part of the jury pool they will be picking from. I did not make it up to the 18 being questioned, and from the looks of things, won't be either. They probably had 80-90 of us over there. I must return in the morning, but it seems like they are probably pretty close to having a group they like, so I don't think I'm getting on it this time. Darn! This trial is supposed to be less than a week, so I thought it would be fun and interesting to be a part of.

I've gotten most of my text books now, but no assignments have been posted yet. I almost feel guilty for not doing something in the evenings. Doesn't seem right to have free time like this!

Well, guess I'll get back to my book. I read about 75 pages today while sitting around before we got into the courtroom, but I'm only half way done. I'm liking it, though I feel strange carrying a book called "The Innocent Man" into a criminal trial. Would be nice to finish it tonight and bring another one tomorrow!
