The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

I don't really like to be preachy, so I'll try not to make this post in that way. Rather, I just want to share about the last week from my perspective.

I sit here and look back and think "WHY?" and "HOW?" Why did the two most stressful events happen on the same day, within hours of one another? But that must be followed by, why had I accepted an internship that allowed me maximum flexibility instead of one that was more prestigious but required more hours? Why was my son not successful in finding a summer job? Why did it time out so that my husband was home for three weeks when he normally is gone during the week? And the "how"- how did I live through it- how did I manage to make it without worrying, without panicking, without throwing up or fainting?

The only answer is by God's grace. I think long ago, I came to the conclusion that since I'm not God, nor will I ever be, I will never understand what He does or why He does it. But then, it really isn't about me. It doesn't matter that my human brain can't comprehend the plans of the Creator of the Universe. And when you think about it, should God be understandable to mere men? I think not.

All I know is that from a human perspective, this last week was unbearable- emotionally, physically, mentally. Yet, I survived it without being any worse off for the experience. The only way for this to have happened is that God answered prayers. Not just mine, but those of people from around the world who were praying for my daughter, and of those who knew me, and knew the situation I was in, and were praying for me.

So, thank you God. Thank you for loving me. And thank you for loving my daughter even more than I do. And thank you for listening to my prayers and giving me, in ways I'll never understand, the strength and peace I needed to get through the last week. Help me never to claim any of that as something I handled or did by myself, because I am only too aware of how incapable I am on my own. I don't how what will happen next, but I do know I don't have to fear it, because I go through none of this alone. Thank you for faith that allows me to trust you, no matter what.

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