The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Overheard in Criminal Procedure

Crim. Pro. Professor: Don't you ever just wake up on Tuesday mornings and say, "Yippee. I have Criminal Procedure tonight!"?
........scoffing laughter by students......
Crim. Pro. student: At least it is better than Bus. Orgs.!
No, that student wasn't me!

Property grades can't be posted online apparently, so we will just get our exams back on Monday. I can live with that (considering most other professors take a month to get anything back to us).

I got caught up on my reading this morning, so now I need to concentrate on 3 things: getting ready for the March 30 Bus. Org. final, preparing for my Aprill 11 trial, and getting my outlines together for my 3 other classes. Gonna be busy!
90 Minutes into class:
Crim. Pro. Professor: Sometimes I like being able to talk like this and get all philosophical. ButI know you’re thinking, “Philosophical? Bullshit! I just want to get out early!”

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