The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Property Midterm in Two Hours

No, I'm not freaked. I really don't get freaked out by exams. Mostly I'm annoyed that I have to spend a Friday evening at school. Not my first choice of ways to kick off a weekend. Of course, since I have tried to devote the majority of my time this week to studying for this, I have tons to catch up on over the weekend: I need to read Con. Law and get ready to brief in class on Monday, I need to read Crim. Trial and be ready for questioning expert witnesses, and read Property. I think the Con. Law assignment is 85 pages, and given my complete boredom with the subject, I'm guessing that alone will take me more than 4 hours to read. UGH! Property will probably take a couple of hours. Crim. Trial will probably take me 3 hours or so (but of course, I don't care how long that takes me because I actually enjoy it!). Sounds like all day Saturday to me. Bummer, but at least then maybe I can have Sunday free. The weather is going to be so nice. I think it would be the perfect weekend to get in the first boat ride of the season!
