The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Dread is Over

The last few weeks I have known my Bus. Org. professor was getting closer and closer to my name on the class list to call on me. And as he's gotten closer, I have spent more and more time each week preparing, just hoping to not be humiliated. Today he was up to the letter before mine by break time. I looked over the cases we had left to do, and since the easiest and shortest one was the next one up, I decided to just volunteer and get it over with (and to prevent being stuck with the longest case that followed it). I don't think it will count as a true "volunteer" which earns you a "V" and probably bonus point for participation, but he did let me brief that case, and just let me say my bit without asking me any questions I didn't know. We were done with it in a matter of a few short minutes. THANK GOODNESS!

My Property midterm is next Friday evening, and I anticipate pouring all my time and energy in the next week into preparing for that. I was figuring if I had not been called on today that I would skip class next week (and save the time of having to read and study to prepare for that class). Now I can just attend without reading and not miss taking any notes. Phew.

What makes me even happier is that I sincerely doubt there is any way I will be called on by that professor again EVER! We only have two substantive class period left, and since the class has over 30 people, I don't see how I'd get called on again. It's not that I hate to talk to class, well, normally I guess I do. But if the situation is one that really encourages learning, and is not intimidating, I have no problem talking in class (ie., Crim. Trial Practice- have I mentioned how much I LOVE that class!).

So, here's my life for the next week: Nuisance, Air/Light/Sky/Water, Easements, and Covenants. And squeeze into that trying to get organized for my trial and beginning to work on that. As soon as the Property midterm is done, I need to start concentrating on the Bus. Org. final which is at the end of this month. Of course, the first half of April will be concentrating on my trial, and the rest will be taken with studying for my other 3 finals (Crim. Pro., Con. Law and Property) which are the beginning of May. It's going to go fast!
