The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Field Trip

The La Raza club at school organized a "field trip" today to the courthouse for any interested students. I signed up, went, and am glad I did so. We started out in Superior Court, watching the Genesis trial for a while, and then watched part of a rape trial. It was interesting seeing the attorneys in action, and to see how some of them came off rather poorly. Taking Crim. Trial Practice really made it obvious.

After that, we were able to talk to one of the local judges for awhile, and then walked down to the new Federal courthouse. I have wanted to see it since it opened, but wasn't sure if you could just walk in there or not. We got a full tour from one of the magistrates there. I'm so impressed! It is SO nice and has so many great features and technology. Makes the regular old courthouse look downright 3rd world.

I was surprised that less than a dozen students took advantage of this opportunity. I know everyone is busy, but I would have thought more would have made time to do this. Personally, I could have sat for hours and watched the trials. I would love to go back and do that some more, and think I will try to do that during the weeks after finals and before summer school.

Tonight in Crim. Trial we are getting exhibits into evidence (or opposing them). I already have my work prepared, but I think I will review it all, just to be extra ready. Well, yeah, and because I love that class.
