The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Direct and Cross Exams

Last night in Crim. Trial Practice we each did a direct and cross examination of a witness. That was fun! Seriously, I really enjoyed it. The professor made it very enjoyable and educational by just explaining things that should have been done, or done differently. He didn't correct me on anything. : ) I still saw things on the cases I didn't present that I hadn't thought of.

I got my assignment for the final, which is a trial we will do with another student. I'm set for the first date (April 18), which I'm very happy about. I wish I was working for the prosecution, but I got assigned to be on the defense team. Oh well. A learning experience it shall be.

Unfortunately the professor's trial that was scheduled to begin Feb. 21 (which I was hoping to see some of) has been cancelled since the party decided to plead guilty. His next trial isn't until July, so looks like I won't get a chance to see him in action this semester anyway.

Tonight I'm on the student panel for the school's law forum, which is an information session for anyone considering coming to law school. I did it last summer and thought it was fun. I suppose anytime people look to you as someone who knows more than they do is somewhat flattering. But I also like to make sure the view is balanced and not either "oh, it's easy, anyone can do it" or "it's so hard, you will never make it". Hopefully I will also give a good representation for the "older" students in our school.
