The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Construction Annoyances

I live in a gated community, and only about 3 of the 130 lots here have yet to be built. Unfortunately, one of those is right next door to me. I had hoped that maybe they wouldn't get around to starting construction until after we've moved, but I wasn't so lucky. A couple of months ago they began, and now, beginning at 7am Monday through Friday I hear the construction workers hammering, sawing, and yelling at each other. My office is right next to this lot, so I have ended up doing most of my work in my bedroom on the other side of the house. Of course, part of the bedroom sticks out away from the bulk of the house, so I don't really think the noise is any less being in here.

A couple weeks ago, one of the workers had the bright idea to bring a boombox to work. Then I had the "pleasure" of listening to their choice of music as I struggled to read such engaging subjects as Constitutional Law and Business Organization. Don't get me wrong, I love a good mariachi band as much (or more!) than the next person, but certain kinds of music are just not conducive to trying to read and/or study law! (I will admit to being one of those who cannot work with any music on however. I really need quiet or I can't concentrate!) At least the owner of the lot had told us to let him know if there was anything about the construction bothering us. The music crossed the line for me. I understand that there will be construction noise in building a new house and I can't do anything about that. But this is supposed to be a quiet community, and I shouldn't have to listen to their music 8-10 hours a day! The owner talked to the workers and the music has since been silenced. Thank goodness!

Then this morning, while in the kitchen in my pajamas, I looked out my window to see a construction worker on the roof next door, looking at me! UGH! Now I don't even have privacy in my own home! I don't feel like I can complain about this, because the music complaint could have come from anyone at our end of the lake, but if we complain about looking in the windows, it is obvious we are the ones complaining. I don't want to be retaliated against. Seriously, they are going to be building this house for the next 9 or so months. It is already driving me crazy.

I'm just hoping they can hurry up and finish the outside so most of the work left to do will be on the inside, where hopefully I won't have to hear or see it. UGH!
