The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Met with a Professor

I had an appointment this afternoon with my Bus. Org. professor. In class he is completely intimidating (at least to me), but I had heard he was nice if you met him in his office. He was! I'm glad I did so. First, because it's always nice to hear that you did really well and don't need to do much to improve. Also, it is good to know exactly what the professor thinks you should do to better your grade. Finally, I think a little face time never hurts.

I emailed my Crim Law professor to try to meet with him, as I did get a copy of my exam but he didn't make any notes on it and you have to have an appointment with him to get to hear what his notes he kept on you say. He hasn't emailed me back.

My Con. Law professor gave us a sample answer and a detailed analysis of our exams, so I don't really need to meet with him. (BTW, I actually enjoyed the class for once last night! I was "on call" for briefing, and had spent 3 days pouring over the 80 pages and 3 dozen cases to be prepared. It did help, but I just can't afford that kind of time every week.)

I'm not bothering with my Tax exam, but I still do need to set an appointment with my Property professor. I need to make some notes about my exam before I do that though.

This weekend I'm going to be concentrating on my opening statement for Criminal Trial Practice, which I will be giving Wednesday night. I have some general ideas about what I want to say, but I need to pull it all together and practice it. I'm excited and scared at the same time as I think about it.
