The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

UCLA comes a-knockin'.................

My daughter has applied to 8 universities.....3 UC schools, and 5 private ones. Her top choice would be MIT, followed by Stanford. Her last choice would be UC San Diego. Previously, she acted like going to a UC school would barely be acceptable (to her). But the closer the time has come to finding out who will accept her, the more she has been hedging her bets. A week or so ago she said she didn't think UCLA would even accept her. I know her thinking, because I'm the same way. I HATE being disappointment so much, that I prepare myself for the absolute worse. Then if it happens, I'm ready. If something better happens, I'm excited and happy!

So last night she went to the school play to support some of her friends that are in it. When she got home after 11, she came in and said goodnight. About 5 minutes later she came back downstairs and said she got accepted to UCLA. We were like HUH??? Apparently one of her friends who is crazy to get into UCLA found out that the decisions were posted online yesterday. She called and told them about it when they were out. So, my daughter checked once she got h0me, and they accepted her! Not only that, she has qualified for their honor program (whatever that is, but hey, sounds great to me!).

So, the 3rd ranked public university in the country, and the 25th ranked overall wants my daughter. Not surprising. But it leads me to think she's going to have a few more wanting her too. MIT posts their decisions online next Saturday. All the others should let her know by early April. I'm predicting acceptance by all her UC choices (other than LA, Berkeley and SD), and acceptance by at least 2 of the private schools (MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Princeton and CalTech).

It's so exciting for me as her mom, not only because I'm so proud of her, but because I never had this opportunity. Yeah, you know, we DO live through our kids. But it's ok....I'd rather have it for her than have had it myself.


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