The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Another crappy Friday

I had to take my son to the doctor the other day. This kid gets every cold that comes along. He has had 3, back to back, and hasn't gotten over the cough before he gets another one. THIS in addition to his other medical issues. He has 3 different doctors that he sees regularly, and they require periodic ultrasounds and blood tests. It seems like Fridays, in addition to the time when I try to run errands I don't have time to run during the week, has become the day I schedule all his appointments. Yes, I have to take him to get a blood test today for his one doctor appointment next Friday.

Anyway, to get his prescription filled, we had to sit in the pharmacy for about 20 minutes. The place was packed with people and their germ spewing kids. Even though I washed my hands as soon as I got home, I feared I would end up with something after that experience. So, yeah, this morning, I don't feel good. Last Friday I thought was I coming down with the flu, but luckily it ended up being just a day of feeling bad. Today, my throat feels funny and I feel so drained. I don't really need this right now. :(

At least I did turn in my paper yesterday so I don't have to waste an hour driving out there and back to turn it in today. I'm not happy with it, but like before, I decided it wasn't worth spending the hours it would take to revise it into something I would be happy with. I'm sure it is a below 85 paper...maybe in the 70s. Ugh. At this point, I don't care. The first 2 papers for this semester combined are worth 30 % of this semester's grade. My average on them is 95, so even if this paper is in the 70s, it is worth 20%, which will still give me a good average.

The Torts midterm is on Monday night. I'm going to work on some practice tests today, and my study group is going to do some more tomorrow. I plan on spending all Sunday and Monday doing the same. I think going through the steps of analyzing the problems will help cement it in my head more than reading my outline over and over. I just wish I felt better.


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