The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Meeting with CivPro Professor

I had my appointment with my CivPro professor this afternoon. I had a couple questions, but I honestly didn't know what else I was going to talk to him about. I was surprised that a half hour FLEW by! It was actually a very helpful session. I knew I had missed points on some areas of the exam, but I had not known exactly why. Talking with him made it clear. He said I know the law, but I have a habit of going too fast and sometimes either switching things around or misreading things and analyzing the wrong thing.

My study group is going to do some practice tests tomorrow, and I plan on taking the rest of the tests I have, and my outline with me to Vegas. I'll have at least 4 hours sitting in airports and on planes that I can be studying.

So, tomorrow is going to be crazy. I have my study group in the morning until my appointment with my Contracts professor. After that, I need to run home, eat lunch, finish my packing, pick up my son, take him to one doctor appointment, take him to his other doctor appointment, come home, pick up my luggage, daughter and hubby, then drop off the kids on the way to the airport. I should be in Vegas by 9:30pm tomorrow night. Hmmmm.....24 hours, huh.

I'm looking forward to this trip. Yeah, it's short, but it's always nice to get away. And Vegas is always fun! :)


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