The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Legal Research

Everyone in my study group has been working on our next assignment. We all have various cases, and have done work Shepardizing them, and copying them. We're getting together tomorrow to compare and share. I spent a few hours tonight going through all the cases I've copied, making notes on them and prioritizing them according to which ones I like best for which issues. Hopefully after our session tomorrow, the research portion of this assignment will be complete. I think it's a good strategy to spend one week researching and one week writing.

Our graded papers from the previous assignment will be ready Saturday morning. I don't think I did that well, so I'm not sure if I'm going over there to get it, or if I'll just wait until Monday to get it. Don't know if it is worth seeing.....

We're also going to refine our CivPro outline tomorrow. The midterm is on the 28th, so we need to get this done so we can start memorizing and working on practice tests. Hopefully we can spend next Friday doing that.

So, what's on my plate for the weekend? Well, I need to start the writing of my paper. And I need to study for my Torts quiz. I need to get the latest update of our Torts outline from a study group member, so I hope he has that done tomorrow, or I'm going to have to spend some time doing it myself. I wish I could get some of my writing done tomorrow, but by the time I get out of our study session, run a few errands, and get some things done at home (ah yes, the glamour job of doing the laundry) I doubt I'll have any time. Since the Super Bowl is Sunday, I'm going to try to do all my work on Saturday.

Now, I'm tired. Time for bed and some rest!


At 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. It's obvious that you are doing just fine. You seem to spend an inordinate amount of time writing & worrying about your grades. I would just use that energy towards the assignments and the grades will be fine. Keep positive!


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