The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

#6 is done, FOR REAL

I spent some time last night adding the last tidbits to my Legal Analysis paper. Of course, then it was 20 some odd lines too long. I decided the easiest way to save on some length was to reduce my string cites.....NO, I don't mean HOW MANY I use (which did end up being 10), but in using 2 cases, rather than 3. I did that for most of my string cites, eliminating the cases that I did not use to develop, and saved myself 10 lines! Then, I had to also eliminate a 3rd case I had developed under one area, because even though I liked it, I deemed it unnecessary. After that, some minor tweaking got me in at exactly 8 pages.

The scary thing is I actually like this paper and this is it good. Applying logic, it should get a better score than the previous paper that got a 91, which I didn't think was good. However, I don't want to think that way, because I don't want to be disappointed. Have I mentioned HOW MUCH I HATE TO BE DISAPPOINTED???? Some may think I'm too pessimistic about my abilities, but I don't think that is it. It is really just a protection device, to prevent me from gettting hurt. Who wants to feel like you are worse than you thought? Isn't it better to be told the opposite??

Anyway, my paper is done, signed, and ready to be turned in today when I'm at school for Contracts. The next one is going to be similar, except using FEDERAL statutes and cases. We've already been warned about the volume of material. Considering I think I used a ream of paper for the cases and material on this assignment, I can only imagine what the next one will be like! But, I'm liking research and think it will be a fun challenge. I AM glad that I have a top rate study group to help with the volume though!


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