The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ah, the next paper.....and other stuff

We got our next assignment for Legal Analysis today. I was surprised that it is supposed to be only 7.5 pages. (The last one had a 6-8 page range, which I made use of the entire 8 pages.) I did some research this afternoon, and am hoping to get to school early and do more tomorrow. We're dealing with federal codes and cases this time.

I have appointments with 2 of my professors this week. I'm looking forward to getting some feedback and getting a few answers. I have heard that my Contracts professor has notes he took on all midterms, which he will share with you if you come in to talk with him. I'm anxious to hear what he has to say. And I had a few questions on my CivPro midterm that I need cleared up. I thought I answered on a couple of points very clearly, but I didn't get the points, so I need to find out what I did wrong, or if he just missed them in grading me. (I have no expectations of getting a higher grade. I'm sure I missed something, but I just don't see it and need it pointed out to me.)

Friday is going to be crazy....I have my study group, my appointment with my professor, 2 doctor appointments that I have to take my son to, and then we're going to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate hubby's birthday. He said he didn't want any gifts, other than going to Vegas. I've been working like crazy to get everything done so I can enjoy the weekend with him. I'll probably bring along my outlines to study for my upcoming Torts and CivPro midterms, but I don't have any reading that I will need to do.

Neither of us are gamblers. But we like to go to Vegas. There's always so much to things and shows to see, great restaurants and shops to spend money in! We have tickets to see Brad Garrett on Saturday night. (He was the older brother on "Everybody Loves Raymond''.) We saw him there last year when he opened for Ray Romano. He is very politically incorrect, but he is sooooo funny! It should be a fun weekend.


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