The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bad, but not as bad as I thought

We did get our CivPro exams back today. Yes, mine was bad, and lower than my December midterm, but not nearly as bad as I was afraid it might be. I thought it could have been as low as in the 30s, but thankfully, it wasn't. I am not proud of it by any means, but at least it is over and that score will be thrown out!

I want to know why I feel so sick! I felt like I was getting better yesterday. I wasn't that congested and did fine during the midterm. So why do I feel worse today? I could hardly make it through CivPro because I was so congested I could hardly breathe. Ugh. I've been blowing my nose nearly non-stop since I got home. I wish I could curl up and sleep for like a week and recover in peace. No such luck!

I went to the library before class to start on researching for the next paper and got nowhere fast. So tonight I've spent a few hours (so far, with more to come) on Lexis. After reading through lots of cases, I am more sure than ever about what our next assignment is going to be. We ARE going to be defending this woman and have to find cases that did not allow gruesome photos or evidence of prior behavior. Why do I know this? Because all the cases out there DO allow these things! Well, so far, all but 3 cases anyway. So, great, I have 3 measly cases so far, I can barely breathe, I'm tired and it's not even 8pm, and I didn't finish my Contracts reading for this week yet. Yeah, I'm in fine shape.

I guess I should get back to it.....


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