The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thank goodness for guardian angels!

Since my high school senior daughter has her driver's license, she normally takes my high school sophomore son to school every day. But today one of her classes took a field trip to the Reagan Library, leaving me to do it. Not a big deal, other than getting a half hour less of time to study. Anyway, as I was on my way home, I stopped at a red light, first in line. When the light turned green, I did as I usually do and before entering the intersection, looked back ways to make sure no red light runners were approaching. I looked to the right, and then as I turned to the left here comes this huge pick up truck, just whizzing right through the intersection! If I had not waited and looked, he would have hit me right in the driver door of my itty bitty car! :(

I have had previous experience with red light runners. About 12 years ago, my kids and I were on our way home (they were darling 4 and 6 year olds at the time), and when I made a left hand turn, someone ran a red light and hit us. Thankfully, we were hit by the back driver's side door, and both kids were on the passenger side (one in front, one in back) and while the car was messed up and I had some neck and back pains for awhile, we were all safe. Then about 4 years ago when I had my Corvette, hubby and I were on our way home from a car show. I was following him in his vette. He made it through a light that I had to stop for. When the light turned green, I proceeded into the intersection. I was halfway through when a van full of migrant workers ran the red light coming straight for me! I slammed on my brakes, they kept going, and literally missed me by inches!

Those experiences and the large number of red light runners here in town keep me nervous and watchful. It is too scary not to be! Everybody, just take that extra second to look both ways before entering an intersection. You know the saying....the life you save may be your own!


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