The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Elf Work

I took the day off from studying today, bought a Christmas tree and decorated. Now that my kids are older, I don't put out as many decorations as I used to. It's just not the same without my daughter here to do it with me. (Boys just don't get into it the same way!) Other than the tree and stockings, I really only put out my collection of Nativity sets. Still, it's nice to have it feeling more like Christmas!

Tomorrow I need to work on Community Property. I'm not very motivated right now. I'll just be glad to have that over with and have a few weeks off.
