The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I picked up my graded second-to-last paper for AR&W today at school. I'm pleased with that grade (85) and hoping I can do that or better on the final paper. I completed 15 of the 20 pages on that one on Sunday. Honestly the last 5 pages shouldn't take me too long. I have already done the research for it, just need to write it up. I always like to let it set for a few days before reviewing and editing. Seems to make the flaws more obvious.

My sister is coming into town tomorrow, so I doubt I will get anything done until Saturday. That's ok. But I'm hoping I can whip out the rest of that appellate brief and work on my Remedies and Community Property outlines.

I know I have 4 exams coming up in less than a month, but my body is refusing to accept any stress over this. I know I have tons to study and memorize, but I've done well so far and don't see how it will be any different now. The hardest part is just making myself go through the motions of school. At work, I function as a prosecutor, I'm treated as a prosecutor, and for all purposes (other than being able to sign certain documents), I am a prosecutor. Having to sit through classes just makes me feel like I'm taking a step backwards.

Hopefully one year from now I will have received happy news from the state bar. Just a year. Hopefully.
