The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Winding Down

Even though I'm not exactly happy that my final AR&W paper will be due the same week that I have 3 midterms, it has been rather nice this week not to have any assignment to be working on for that class. In fact, I'm all done with my reading for the rest of the semester, so now it's all about getting my outlines pulled together and studying. My Community Property outline is in pretty decent shape, and there is only one more class with new material, so that won't be too hard to update. I'm working on Wills and Trusts today, and I really only need to update it with one class's worth of material. We then have one more class with new material this coming week, but the professor already admitted that this last new material isn't really a testable topic.

Evidence is where I have the most work to do. I haven't done any work on that outline at all. UGH. And my class notes are nearly 50 pages long. Double ugh. I have a preliminary outline for Remedies, but the professor backloads his classes! He does about 15 pages a week all semester long, and then does about 50 pages a week the last few weeks to get it all crammed in there! In addition, he doesn't have a review session the final class meeting like all the other professors do, so you end up having tons of stuff to add to your outline and learn right at the end.

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off, as I'm hoping to use it to make some decent progress on Evidence. Wednesday's Evidence class is canceled this week too, so I'll have that time to do some additional outline work.

At work, this Thursday is the big monthly court day, "People's Court", as my boss calls it. It's totally crazy and hectic, but I absolutely love it. Part of that will include my second trial, so that will be fun. I also need to work on a response to a defense motion for a trial that is coming up in January (this is the one that was supposed to be in September, but got continued). Since I'm only working Wed.-Fri. mornings this week, I know I'm going to be swamped!

I probably should feel very stressed, but honestly, I don't. Kind of wish I did because I think I'm more productive then. Ok, I guess I should stop procrastinating and haul out that Wills and Trusts....
