The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Back to Reality

This is the problem with traveling- eventually you have to return to your regular life. Yesterday, of course, I worked all day in my internship position in the U.S. Attorney's office. I'm still liking it, but sometimes I feel frustrated because I feel like I could be more productive having 8 hours to work on school stuff. At least next Monday is a holiday, so I will be able to use my time that way.

Today I was supposed to have my last class session for Advanced Research & Writing. Our professor emailed us this morning, however, and told us that while our paper still needs to be turned in today, our class won't meet until next week. That's not such a big deal, as I'm certainly happy to have tonight free, but now instead of getting our final assignment tonight, we won't get it until next Tuesday. The due date will also be pushed back, with it being due in the same week I have 3 midterms. Ugh. This switch will mean I won't have any research or writing to work on this weekend though, giving me time to focus on outlines for all my classes. I guess I should just look at it as a good thing.

I don't think I've mentioned on here yet, but I did decide to get involved a bit at school this year. I'm co-chairman of the Alumni Committee for Delta Theta Phi. I'm not so sure most of the time that I should have bothered, but since I did, I'm going to do the most I can to put together some good stuff. For example, we have our first in a series of Alumni Guest Lectures coming up on November 16, with the topic of test taking and strategies. I'm hoping this will be helpful to our members, especially the first year students who, if they are smart, are freaking out with the approach of midterms in December. I've also coordinated a resume workshop at the end of the month to help our members get their resumes created or updated to give to our alumni who attend the social event we will be holding early next year. Anyway, this whole thing has created more work (and stress) for me, but I'm hoping it will be worth it in the end. We'll see. (BTW, these Alumni events are going to be open to dues-paid DTP members only, so if you are interested, it is not too late to join!)
