The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ok, Ok, I Know I Haven't Posted Lately

But it's not like anything exciting, amusing, or interesting has been happening. I'm in my very last class before my exams right now. I am nowhere near prepared for my tests, but at least I turned my paper in. I kid you not, after turning it in on Tuesday (one week early), another student asked me how I was coming on it. When I told her I had just turned it in, she looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Bitch!" She did take it back when she found out I did so because I have 4 exams I have to prepare for, but see what I have to put up with for trying to be responsible!

I am working tomorrow, and then taking off all next week (except my court day on Thursday, when I don't have a test) and the following Monday. Thank goodness! I feel so completely and woefully unprepared for all my exams and desperately need all that time.

My one little bit of funny courtroom stuff to add is that today in court the judge, who is normally so prompt that he comes in a couple minutes early, did not come in until he was about 5 minutes late. He apologized, saying he had a fashion emergency, explaining that he had caught his tie in the zipper of his robe! He said that it was still stuck, and fortunately he had another robe and tie in his chambers, which he had to change into!

Two weeks from now I'll be done and off for a couple weeks. Can't come soon enough.....

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