The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Jail House Blues

I spent about 12 hours over the last 2 days listening to recordings of jail telephone conversations and correcting transcripts of them, and then getting them all indexed, organized, and into one document. The more I listened, the more I hated the defendant, and the more I wanted to help the person he was talking to. It's hard not to sit there and wonder about things- how did this person end up this way? How can he treat her that way and not even care what happens to her? How can she keep taking it?

Anyway, despite that, I was pretty proud of how nicely I organized it all. It was a complete mess when I got it- 2 binders of transcripts, more than a dozen CDs of recordings, some duplicates. Each transcript had quite a number of errors and omissions in it. Certain things were noted as "inaudible", but I could make some of them out. After making all those corrections, I then had to do so on the electronic versions, and merge those 2 differently styled documents into one cohesive one. I had to then get all the CDs organized so they made sense- got them all labeled and indexed. Now, no matter WHO does this trial and WHEN they do it, all of the transcripts and recordings will make sense and be easy to locate. Gosh, I love a good project!

The rest of summer school grades (for my classes, at least) were posted yesterday. Got fantastic grades in Moot Court (well, duh!) and Family Law Mediation! I need to email the school and find out about our score sheets from Moot Court. I am anxious to see the comments on mine, so am wondering if we can get those yet.

I should run. Another doctor's appointment this morning, and then working this afternoon.

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