The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jumping Through Hoops*

For my internship with the US Attorney's office, I needed to have my fingerprints done. I could either do it at the federal courthouse downtown (if I could coordinate it with the guy in the marshall's office there), or at one of the local police departments. Since I haven't been able to catch the guy downtown, I went to pick up the cards this morning, and then headed over to the police headquarters that is next to school. Of course, when I get out there, I was informed that they will only fingerprint you if you live or work in their city, which I do not (and then, only Monday and Wednesday, 2-4pm). I was out of luck all the way around.

While I was over there, I stopped by school to check out my ranking in Property, since that was the only class of mine posted. I'm 16th in the class, which I guess is the top third. Not spectacular, but better than a kick in the pants (sorry, one of my favorite sayings).

Anyway, the policeman at the station was nice enough to give me a list of places in the area that could do my fingerprints, with addresses and times. I had 45 minutes to make it back downtown to the county sheriff to get it done there. I did have to park a couple blocks away, but luckily there was no line and I made it in plenty of time. I have never done that before and it's pretty cool how they do it on the machine with no ink.

So, after that, I headed back to the courthouse to turn it all in. Now, I just have to do a drug test and I'll be ready for that internship. Of course, before that, I have summer school and another internship to worry about!

*Just to be clear, I am more than happy to jump through ANY hoop for this internship. I am SOOOOO excited about it!

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