The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

When You Least Expect It

As you probably recall, I interviewed for 3 different internships: with the District Attorney, Attorney General, and the US Attorney. I was offered interships with both the AG and DA, and accepted the one with the DA. The internship at the US Attorney's office required a certified law student (someone that has either taken, or is currently enrolled in Evidence). Since I won't be taking Evidence until the fall, I expressed my interest in doing that at that time, but also in any other opportunities that didn't require certification now.

I figured I would evaluate things at the end of the summer and possibly call the AG and USA back and see if I could talk to them again about doing an internship during the school year. I knew I could also stay on at the DA if I wanted.

So, I'm just sitting here studying for Property when the phone rings. It was the guy I interviewed with at the US Attorney's office. I assumed he was just going to tell me if there were any uncertified positions for the summer (which wouldn't even have mattered, since I already accepted the one with the DA). But no- HE OFFERED ME THE INTERNSHIP FOR THE FALL! Maybe that doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it is. This is in the misdemeanor unit of the federal courthouse here, and it is handling my own caseload, from start to finish. I do everything! That even includes court appearances if necessary! I am SOOOO excited!

This internship will be 20 hours a week once school starts in August, and revolve around my schedule. I can't even tell you how thrilled I am! Mostly to have this incredible opportunity, but also a little because now when it comes to interviews and offers, I'm 3 for 3! : )
