The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

One Week of Classes Left

I'm sitting here in Con. Law class on a Saturday. Now that just isn't right! I think I had mentioned that the professor had made a mistake in his schedule for this semester, so in order to get all the material in, we needed to meet on a Saturday. I'm assuming he will also probably have us meet next Saturday for a review session. Ugh. I just have a hard time sitting in class and paying any attention on a Saturday.

This next week is my last week of classes for my second year of law school. I only have classes on Monday and Tuesday, which then gives me a full week to prepare for my first final on the following Tuesday (Property). My second final is later that week, with my last final the 9th of May. I'll then have 2.5 weeks to get some stuff done before I start my internship. I'm hoping to squeeze a weekend trip in somewhere there.

Also looming in the future are my law review comment, which I will need to find time to write this summer, and my brief that I will be writing for moot court. I'm hoping they post the case information as soon as finals are done so I can get a head start on that one.

Promises to be a busy summer!
