The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Well, What Do You Know?

I haven't made a secret of how much I dislike my Tax class. Nothing personal against the professor. It just is a boring subject to me. To make it worse, it is a night class on Thursday, the end of my school week. I have the hardest time paying attention in there.

Now that I am not doing Small Claims on Tuesdays and Thursdays, my Thursdays aren't quite as dreadful as they were. And for some strange reason, I wasn't even tired when Tax started last night. (Normally, I feel ready for bed when class starts!) The class was about charitable deductions and depreciation. Not particularly exciting, but maybe something from my year of accounting classes I took during undergraduate studies kicked in or something, because for the first time this semester, I found myself raising my hand and answering questions!

I had kind of made an informal deal with myself. The professor awards 5 extra points toward your final grade if you can accumulate 100 "basis bucks". He has this little system rigged get 20 bucks for "introducing yourself" to him the first time you answer in class, and 5 bucks for each class session you attend, and a buck or 2 for each time you share in class. I really hate this sort of thing. To me, it is worth not getting 5 points to be relieved of the stress of trying to volunteer all the time. The class seems easy enough. I don't even bother reading for it since I have some decent outlines and notes from previous students. I told myself I could forget about the points and just show up for class each week and not worry about it.

I doubt there is enough time left for me to volunteer enough now to get the bucks I'd need to get those 5 extra points, and frankly, I don't want to stress about it. If it happens, it happens. But I think I surprised myself when I answered a few times in last night's class. Maybe it's a good thing. At least the professor won't think I'm a total slacker.


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