The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Civil War Revisited

Every year the largest Civil War reenactment in the country is staged at a local park. We have gone several times and always enjoy it. Since it will be gorgeous weather this weekend and since my son gets extra credit if he goes, we will go again this year. They are having several new things this year, including horse races and an artillery demonstration. And of course, that is in addition to the battle and field hospital reenactment. Sounds like fun to me!

It is hard to believe my first midterm is less than one month away. I've been working on my outline for Business Organizations (next month's exam), and actually starting to feel like I understand it some now. We only have one more "real" class before the test, with 2 review sessions. My outline is probably much longer than it needs to be, but it will get refined a lot in the next few weeks.

I feel such a sense of freedom now that I am doing my outlines on my own. Sure, it is a lot of work not to just get a completed outline by email, but I love being able to structure it how I want to, without worrying about what other group members are going to say about it. I know it isn't as "pretty" of an outline as it could be, but I don't think I need it that way in order for it to be effective for me.

I now need to work on updating my Con Law outline (since we have another practice test in a week and a half), and finish working on my Crim Law outline. I haven't even started outlines for Property and Tax yet. Property will take some work, but Tax, ugh, I hate that class. I'm not sure I'm going to do a real outline. Mostly I need to figure out what notes to write in my book (which we are allowed to do to use it in our exam).

Ok, enough for now. Time to wrap this up and get upstairs for class.....


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