The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, September 29, 2006

First Test, Kind Of

We have a practice test in Con Law on Monday. It is 2 hours and has 2 questions. For the third hour of class the professor will go over a model answer. Then we get to take someone else's answer home and write them a one page "you should have done this instead" thing. Participation in this exercise will give us one point toward our final grade in the class.

I honestly just don't get Con Law. It is not like other law classes in structure or material. Frankly, it is too much like Civics/Political Science for me to even want to care about it. Those were always the classes I hated the most, and it is hard for me to take an interest in something that bores me to tears.

So, what is my plan? Well, I do have a number of student outlines for the class. I'm somehow hoping to blend them and my own class notes (which I can use on Monday) into some magical document that will give me something to say once I get that exam. Not that I think that is likely to happen, but it is my goal.


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