The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

News from MIT

My daughter (a freshman at MIT for those who don't read this blog regularly) and I are in contact every day somehow. Now that her classes have started, it tends to be email, as we aren't usually both free at the same time. She is sounding like a real MIT student. Here's part of her last email:

"went to a meeting last night for the undergraduate women in physics group. that was cool... but not much happened. just some free dinner basically. and i have to leave soon to have dinner with my advisor and the other kids he advises. so free dinner again. and i'll be staying up until about 4am finishing the insane psets that i am nowhere near finishing. but on saturday night i'm going to this "hacker meeting" with some people with b entry and they apparently take you on top of the dome and whatnot."

"Psets" is MIT speak for problem sets, or basically the notoriously hard homework. I had a post about the latest "hack" at MIT last week. Hacks aren't what most people think of as hacks....more like a sophisticatedly planned trick, with no harm done. Anyway, she has wanted to get up to the top of the dome, so I'm glad she will finally get up there. I asked for pix of the view from there, so we'll see if I get any.

Overall, she seems to be adjusting fine and doing well. If she is lonely or homesick, she is not showing it. The nice thing is, even with her being on the other side of the country, between emails, text messages, cell calls, IMs and such, it doesn't really feel like she is so far away.

As far as my classes, I'm doing ok, but feeling not quite like I'm getting it in 2 classes. Hopefully things will become clearer soon. But I am getting excited about doing the on campus interviews. I really hope I can at least get one. Even if I don't get a job offer from it, it would be nice to have the "practice" of doing an interview since it has been so long since I did one.

Well, the last 28 pages of the Property Future Interests book is calling me, so I guess I need to close this up and get to it!


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