The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Proud Parent Moment

I have spent the last 18 years of my life being a stay at home mom. One of the things I have done during that time was volunteer many hours, doing many different things, mostly at my children's schools and at our church. I really now consider volunteering and serving others just part of who I am.

I had hoped my children would learn this from me and someday make service a part of their lives as well. I was happy when my daughter volunteered for the last several years at a local hospital, and when my son volunteered at the church vacation Bible school last summer and at the Wednesday night children's program during the school year there as well.

My son was going to work at the vacation Bible study this summer as well. The church holds it for 2 weeks, one in June and one in July. His dad had originally told me he was going to take him camping for the June week, so he signed up to work the July week. My ex said this week that he was going to take the kids for a few hours today, never mentioning this "trip" he had me save for him on the calendar months ago. (Ugh, ex-husbands!) Anyway, I asked my son if he would work this week also if they still needed help. At church this morning, I went to check, and they were still short 2 workers, so were thrilled that he would be able to help.

When my son got home a little bit ago, I told him that he would be working at the vacation Bible school this week. His immediate response was a big smile and "YES!" To see him not only volunteer, but to be so excited about doing so, makes me a very proud mom!


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