The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, March 12, 2006


So here it is Sunday night and I feel so unproductive. Yeah, I did get all my reading for the upcoming week done (so I'm at least one week ahead now), and I did get some good work done on my paper (have all the law and cases organized, and a sketch outline done, as well as the first 2 pages, which is kind of the "background" part of the paper), but I didn't get to working on my Contracts outline like I wanted.

Sometimes having a life just "intrudes", not necessarily in a bad way, but in a time-consuming way. Like choosing to run errands with hubby and having lunch with him instead of just running out to school directly and just picking up my paper alone. Like taking my son to buy new shoes and then coming home shoeless just to repeat the drill in a couple days because the store we went to didn't have anything good in his size. Like having to do laundry. Like just wanting to sleep and feel rested for once. I want to spend time doing normal things and not feel guilty for it!

I know I should feel glad that I DID get my reading done and I DID progress on my paper. I guess I'm never happy with what I do because somehow it seems like I should have done more or better. Well, pretty much I feel that way about everything I do. And that's probably why I feel like a failure most of the time and why I am so obsessive about stuff.

I guess I should just go to bed and get some rest. Maybe if I felt completely well I wouldn't feel this way. But I am feeling completely overwhelmed with all of my shortcomings right now. That is definitely a sign that I need to stop and go relax. So that's what I'm going to do.....


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