The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Blah blah blah

We didn't get our Torts midterms back today. I didn't really think we would, but I guess I was kind of hoping. The more I think about it, the less I'm happy with how I did because I keep thinking of other things I should have addressed. Oh well. It's weird to think that we only have 5 actual class period left for the year before finals. Yikes. This year has gone by so quickly.

I'm still waiting to feel totally back to normal. I still a little congested and coughing, though mostly at night. I did NOT sleep well at all last night, and I don't have my regular energy level. I'm just tired of feeling tired. And while I'm complaining.....where are all the nice warm days that we had in January and February? Heck, I was driving around with my convertible top down and wearing sandals! Now it's back to bundling up in sweaters and stuff again. I am ready for winter to end NOW!

I was thinking about this today.....for all my complaining and whining (mostly which ends up on here), I am very grateful. I'm grateful for this opportunity to go back to school. I'm grateful for second (third, fourth.....) chances. And I'm especially grateful for certain people. (And you better know who you are!) I have been truly blessed in so many ways, and I never want to sound like I don't appreciate it. Because I do. And I want to make sure that my focus is more on what I can be thankful for than what I can complain about. A challenge for me? Heck yeah. But I know it is something I want to work on and change. So here's to that....


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