The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Something fun for a Friday night

I thought I'd share one of my bizarre quests, for fun. I have a peep (one of those yellow marshmallow Easter treats) that I take with me on my travels and photograph. This peep has been all over the world. Here's some of my favorite pictures of it....

With the Rosetta Stone (in the British Museum, London). Before you tell me how disrespectful this is, please note that the original is in another gallery there, behind glass and untouchable. This is a replica, perfect for picture taking!

Here's the peep at the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome.

Still in Rome, here is the peep in front of the Pantheon.

In Paris, peep is looking at the Eiffel Tower.

In Paris still, on top of the Arc de Triomphe, looking down the Champs Elysees.

Again in Paris, inside the Musee de Orsay, looking across the Seine towards the Louvre.

In Washington D.C. in front of the Supreme Court.

In front of the Watergate, in D.C.

In front of the arc in Cabo San Lucas. (We had to take a boat out to get this close of a picture!)

So, now you think I must really be a freak, so I should tell you the history of how this started. A few years ago I took the kids to Disneyland. We were waiting in line for the Indiana Jones ride. Right before you get on the ride, you are in a cave like place, and there are some logs or poles dividing the line from those entering the ride. We looked over and saw a peep sitting there, alone, on one of these logs. We thought it was so funny. Just a little peep sitting there. Next time we had peeps, I saved some for our next trip. And then, my silly little adventure started. I take it with us on all our trips and try to get pictures of it with famous sites. I have since discovered that I'm not alone in this obsession. I do not, however, have a whole web site devoted to my peep. I DO draw the line somewhere! :)

Hope you get a smile out of these!


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