The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

So much for getting any scores before classes restart....

Went all the way across town AGAIN today. The school was open, but no grades were posted. UGH! I am hoping that when I am there tomorrow for registration SOMETHING will be posted. I have no hope of grades for Contracts or Legal Analysis being posted (heard they are not done until later in the month), and the professor for CivPro told me he was giving back the tests the first day of class and posting afterward. My Torts class does meet tomorrow, so if the grades aren't posted by registration time, at least we should get them back in class.

My plans of getting 2 weeks ahead in my reading did not succeed. It is nearly impossible to get anything done with everyone home with me all day. I was very frustrated on Friday because I was not able to do any reading, but decided to just give it up and enjoy the weekend, because I could tell it wasn't going to happen. No use being stressed about it. At least I got 1.5 weeks ahead. It sucks that everyone else still has tomorrow off and I'm back in school, but I'm looking forward to being back on the normal schedule.

We spent most of this weekend watching the second season of 24. I had come into watching the series somewhere in that season, but didn't remember where. If you aren't familiar with the show, there are 24 episodes in each season, each an hour long (about 45 min. with no commercials), which are all the events of one 24 hour day (a dreadfully, suspense and action filled day, mind you). Over the last 3 days, we've watched 22 episodes, so that leaves us with about 1.5 hours worth to finish tomorrow. Then there's another dumb thing I can cross of my list of things to do. lol

I hope my next report here is my Tort midterm grade. Let's keep our fingers crossed!


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