The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

It pays to be obsessive!

So, I went to school early to get my LA midterm and make a copy (since it is considered the final for that class, we can't keep the original). I did so, and then turned it back in and went to sit in my class. I was going over the grading matrix as I sat there. On the first question, which was on cite form, I got 19 out of 20 points. Yeah. On the second question, which was the shorter analysis problem, I got 26 out of 30. Yeah. The problem was, as I knew before seeing it, the third, longer analysis problem. It was worth 50 points and I only got 31. :( I was looking at it and realized I had gotten 45 out of 50 on the first half and thinking if I had kept up the same pace I would have gotten a 90! And then it occurred to me....wait, I got a 45 of 50 on the first half, and a 31 of 50 on the second half. WAIT A MINUTE......45 PLUS 31 DOESN'T EQUAL 66 (which was the score that had been marked on it), it is 76! That improves my semester grade from a 81 to an 84! :) This may not seem like a huge deal, but it is to me.

I had been feeling like I was such a loser to get a 66. I mean, I knew I had problems on the second half, but I didn't think the rest was so bad. I just hated to see myself get anything in the 60s. And now, I am thrilled because my grade is not just in the 70s, it is in the upper 70s. Yes, I truly am a dork to get excited over such things, but what else do I have to get excited about? (Ok, yeah, my cat did spend a half hour in my lap today, I know....)


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