The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

No new grades today :(

I found out from a classmate who went to the evening Contracts class last night that the exams are not graded yet (nor does the professor know when they will be), so I won't be finding that out today. I am supposed to be able to see my Legal Analysis bomb, I mean test, today and make a copy. Not sure I really want to see it, but I suppose it's kind of like not being able to look away from the scene of an accident.

I did email my CivPro professor to find out if he (and his daughter) are ok since he cancelled class on short notice on Tuesday. I also asked if he was going to post grades prior to next week, but I haven't heard back from him. So it is doubtful that grade will be posted. I'm just assuming I will find out at class next Tuesday.

If you've read my entire blog, you know I have 2 cats. While they have very different personalities, neither likes to be picked up or held. That's a bummer because I love my kitties and just wish they would like it when I do that. (Of course, it never stops me from doing it anyway.) But my older cat (Jamba) will at least purr and sometimes come and sit next to you (when it it HER idea, mind you!). Our younger cat, Tiber, is what we like to call autistic. She truly seems to live in her own world, rarely purrs, but strangely seems to like to be in the same room with us. (I guess we don't TOTALLY annoy her.) Anyway, Jamba likes to jump up on my desk and sit behind my laptop while I'm working on stuff. She was up there for awhile, and then she crawled down into my lap. She has been there for about a half hour now, and after a good 10-15 minute loud purring binge, she is now curled up most contentedly and taking a nap on my lap.

The sad part is I need to go get ready to go to school and will have to disturb her. What is it about waking up a sleeping cat (or baby!)? I hate to do it! I wish I had my camera within reach because I would show you how sweet she is. Well, I guess I've put this off long enough. Pooor Jamba!


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