The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Finally, a midterm grade!

Yeah! When I went to registration, our graded Torts midterms were there. If you remember, I predicted that I would not get any lower than an 80. And.........I got an 84! : ) I got an 88 on the first question, and an 80 on the second. To keep my ego in check, I heard that there were some grades in the high 90s, so I'm hardly the top of my class. :( Oh well, at least I did good.

I also talked to my Legal Analysis professor. I was surprised to find out that she has all of our midterms graded as well, though she is waiting for the grades to be posted. Apparently, we don't get those actual papers back (since it is considered the "final" for Legal Analysis, with the rest of the year being the "research" portion of the class), but we can see and copy them soon. I can hardly remember what the questions were, much less what I wrote!

I saw all my study group members while at registration today and we all got grades in a similar range (77-84). I'm glad we are all together. But I'm dying to know who in class "beat" me. Ugh, I'm competitive!

I need to get ready to go to class. Both sessions are tonight since registration was this afternoon. If I find out my LA grade, I'll post when I get home!


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