The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Win is a Win

I suppose I wouldn't have to post this picture if I beat my boyfriend at Scrabble more often, or at least when I did, it was by more than just a few points. I beat him the other day by 60 points, and even if you take into consideration that he beat me last night, the total of the scores from both games combined still put me ahead by 20 points. : )

I realize this post makes it seem as if I'm not doing much these days. Well, generally, that is true. Last week did seem rather busy though. My house is finally in escrow! I had some stuff I had to do in regards to that, and still have a few projects remaining at the house to do in the next 60 days. I also saw a former classmate and hung out with her for a few hours, and watched the Fresno State game with another group of classmates, and took my son to a gun show where he bought a few goodies.

Yesterday, we went to go see Burn After Reading. Definitely go see it- quite funny! Brad Pitt's character is as deliciously ditzy as you want to believe he is in real life. The entire cast is outstanding, so don't miss this one!
