The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Obviously I Truly Know Nothing

Some grades are posted already, including Wills and Trusts and Evidence. If you recall, I thought W&T was probably the easiest exam I've ever taken. I'm not sure if I posted about Evidence or not, but it was the only exam where I was still typing when time was called. Even though I commented on everything, I wasn't satisfied because I was not able to do nearly the analysis I believed was required.

As you can probably tell, yes, I got a lower score on my Wills and Trusts, and a higher score on Evidence, an 89 to be exact! That is the highest score I've ever received on any exam in law school (though I've gotten papers with higher grades). Evidence is so much more important to me and my career, so I'm thrilled!

I'm assuming Community Property will probably get posted on Monday, as that professor always grades quickly. Remedies, on the other hand, probably won't be done until January. My last class, Advanced Research and Writing, will probably be posted before the end of the year. I'll post more updates when other class grades are posted.