The Gratuitous Promise

The Gratuitous Promise: not worth anything, but I'm making it anyway!.........My thoughts as a stay-at-home mom turned law student, who just passed the California bar exam.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Clueless, but happy

That is how I feel in my new internship. There's like a million and one things I'm trying to take in, and feel like I'm not catching all but a couple of them, but I totally love every second of it! In the last couple days I've met a couple of the magistrate judges and gotten to speak to them in their chambers. Both have been Moot Court judges, and it was nice to talk to them in less adversarial situations. The judge I met today has an incredible view from her chambers! She was quite pleased to be able to show it off, and really friendly to me too, so I'm hoping I might get the chance to talk with her more later.

I'm quite happy and proud to be representing our country in my new position, and honestly, when people make comments about "working for the dark side", it is disturbing to me. I'm seeking justice, and if I do my job, that will happen, regardless of whether there are convictions or not. I guess not everyone sees it the same way. Anyway, I am absolutely thrilled to have this opportunity and just am trying to take it all in and learn as much as I can, as fast as I can. The hardest part is that I want to spend more time there and less time at school. I can tell already that it will be hard to keep my motivation for school up because my heart has left and gone on.

My classes so far are ok. My Remedies professor was my Contracts professor in first year, and he is always entertaining, even though he never lets us out early and always shows up exactly 7 minutes late for class (which makes me wonder, why, if he can be so consistent, can't he reset his clocks, body, or whatever, and show up on time????). My Advanced Research and Writing class only meets 6 times, and I like the professor, so that shouldn't be too bad. (At least it won't take me as much time or effort as writing a Law Review article!) I had Evidence this afternoon and was glad to see more people I knew in there than I thought I would. I think that will be a good class, though I'm nervous about having to miss a couple classes for my trial and trial prep next month.

Tomorrow is my long day- working in the morning and 2 classes later, both Community Property and Wills & Trusts. I know the CP professor, though I have heard this class is surprisingly difficult. I have no clue about the W&T professor. Of course, by 6:30pm on Thursday night, I doubt anyone could interest me in much of anything. Since I have absolutely no interest in ever drafting a will or trust for anyone, this professor has quite a challenge if he expects me to have an interest in this topic.

Thursdays will be long and tough, so it is nice that on Fridays I'm only working the mornings with the afternoons free for errands and appointments. Because my daughter is flying back to MIT early Saturday, I'm not attending the Back to School dinner on Friday night. There is just no one at school I'd rather spend that time with than her. (Sorry!) I won't see her for 4 months, and I'll see everyone else all semester long, so she wins, hands down!

Anyway, I am definitely not into the new routine yet. I think it will take a few weeks, but I'm already enjoying it, even if I don't know why....
